Set 7: Acute mental health care
Indicators and their accompanying data collection tools are listed below. We strongly recommend downloading the following documents to guide use of the indicators:
Individual Indicators
7.1 Percentage of as required (PRN) psychotropic medication orders with documented indication, dose (or dose range), frequency and maximum daily dose specified
[PDF] | with tool [XLS]7.2 Percentage of patients taking lithium who receive appropriate monitoring during their inpatient episode
[PDF] | with tool [XLS]7.3 Percentage of patients who receive written and verbal information on regular psychotropic medicines initiated during their admission
[PDF] | with tool [XLS]7.4 Percentage of patients taking antipsychotic medicines who receive appropriate monitoring for the development of metabolic side effects
[PDF] | with tool [XLS]7.5 Percentage of patients prescribed two or more regular antipsychotic medicines at hospital discharge
[PDF] | with tool [XLS]
Other indicator sets
- Set 1: Antithrombotic therapy
- Set 2: Antibiotic therapy
- Set 3: Medication ordering
- Set 4: Pain management
- Set 5: Continuity of care
- Set 6: Hospital–wide medication management policies
- Polypharmacy QUM Indicators and Resource Kit
Page last updated 13 January 2021