High Risk Medicines

Pharmacist putting pills in container at pharmacy
Wavebreak Media LTD

Resources relating to high risk medicines

This information-sharing repository should assist hospitals in the development of local resources required to comply with the NSW Ministry of Health Policy Directive on High Risk Medicines Management (PD2020_045).

  • Hypoglycaemics

    SGLT2 inhibitor medicines


    • Know your insulins – Poster with pictures (Version 1.3 March 2022)
      • Version 1.3 update to include a note regarding Semglee discontinuation and included safety needle use information
      • Version 1.2 update (incorporates different naming conventions for insulin types aligning to NSW based Thinksulin App)
      • Version 1.1. update includes addition of pictures of cartridges for Novorapid®, Apidra® and Humalog®

Protocols and Guidelines (members only)

Please note that all information is only current at the time it is posted and individual hospitals should be contacted to ascertain current policies and practices.

A number of hospitals and LHDs have indicated that their guidelines are currently under review. We would encourage all hospitals to send their material to NSW TAG as it becomes available so that it can be shared on this web page.

Information sharing occurs on the understanding that due acknowledgement will be given to the original source. Permission should be sought from the original source before any policy, protocol or guideline is used or applied in another setting.


A: Anti-infectives

P: Potassium and other electrolytes

I: Insulin

N: Narcotics and other sedatives

C: Chemotherapeutic agents

H: Heparin and anticoagulants

Other general high risk medicines resources


Copyright notice

  • Documents on this webpage are copyright and remain the property of NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc and Clinical Excellence Commission. These documents may be freely accessed for information purposes, but cannot be re-used, in whole or part, for medical, academic or commercial purposes, modified and or otherwise adapted without the written permission of both the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc and the Clinical Excellence Commission. Subject to any copyright approval being granted by both the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc and the Clinical Excellence Commission, the following copyright attribution is to be made on any document generated: © NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc and Clinical Excellence Commission. Contact nswtag@stvincents.com.au and cec-corpgov@health.nsw.gov.au to make a copyright request.

Page last updated 14 April 2024