National QUM Indicators for Australian Hospitals

Pharmacist checking medicine in shelf at pharmacy
Wavebreak Media LTD

Process indicators to measure quality use of medicines (QUM) in Australian Hospitals were updated and revised in 2014 with funding support from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC). New discharge medication management and acute mental health indicators were also developed. A number of tools were also developed to facilitate use of the indicators, including data collection tools for each indicator, detailed sampling guidance and matrices mapping the indicators against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

The indicators aim to test various aspects of the quality use of medicines including appropriateness, effectiveness and safety. Some indicators focus on clinical management of particular conditions; others evaluate continuity of care and medication management policies and can be applied to the management of any or all conditions. The indicators can be used by all types of hospitals across Australia to identify practice gaps and facilitate quality improvement.

The full manual of the National Quality Use of Medicines Indicators for Australian Hospitals can be downloaded here: [PDF]

Sections of the manual can be downloaded as follows:

  • Using the National Quality Use of Medicines Indicators for Australian Hospitals [PDF]
  • Summary list of National QUM Indicators [PDF]

Individual indicators and their data collection tools from the following practice areas:

Data collection tool user guide can be downloaded here [PDF]



This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for Australian quality improvement, study or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source and indicators being reproduced without variation from the original.

Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights for purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of either:

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NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.


Recommended citation

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc. (2014), National Quality Use of Medicine Indicators for Australian Hospitals. ACSQHC, Sydney.


Archived Indicator Documents

Please contact the NSW TAG office if you require older versions of the indicators (2007, 1998 and 1997).



Page last updated 8 December 2024